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Midi files and styles in style of Shakin Stevens

Title in style of Midi Demo
Wild World (Cat Stevens) in style of Cat Stevens
Rock´n Roll Hitmix in style of Shakin Stevens
Shirley in style of Shakin Stevens
Merry Christmas Everyone in style of Shakin Stevens
This Ole House in style of Shakin Stevens
Green Door in style of Shakin Stevens
You Drive Me Crazy in style of Shakin Stevens
Oh Julie in style of Shakin Stevens
Marie Marie in style of Shakin Stevens
A Love Worth Waiting For in style of Shakin Stevens
Morning Has Broken in style of Cat Stevens
Lady D´Arbanville in style of Cat Stevens
Father And Son in style of Ronan Keating / Cat Stevens
Top Gun Anthem in style of Harold Faltermeyer & Steve Stevens


Midifiles (auch Styles) im Stil von Shakin Stevens

Durch den Interpreten bekannt gewordenen Songs. Erhältlich für viele Instrumente. Wie Tyros 5, Tyros 4 bis 1 und viele weitere Hersteller und Formate

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