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Midi files and styles in style of Luiz Bonfa

Title in style of Midi Demo
Black Orpheus in style of Luiz Bonfa
Boney M. Medley in style of Boney M.
Chianti Lied (Ja ja der Chiantiwein-Mix ... in style of George Le Bonsai
Brown Girl In The Ring in style of Boney M.
Rivers Of Babylon in style of Boney M.
Gotta Go Home in style of Boney M.
Mary´s Boy Child in style of Boney M.
Rasputin in style of Boney M.
I See A Boat On The River in style of Boney M.
Daddy Cool in style of Boney M.
Hooray! Hooray! It´s A Holi-Holiday in style of Boney M.
El Lute in style of Boney M.
Kalimba De Luna in style of Tony Esposito / Boney M.
Ma Baker in style of Frisco Disco vs. Boney M. feat. Ski
Viva Bonita in style of Janis Nikos
La Isla Bonita in style of Madonna
Played A Live (The Bongo Song) in style of Safri Duo
Bongo cha cha cha (Summer Anthem) in style of El Profesor
Top4 - Boney M. (Ma Baker - Rasputin - I... in style of d-o-o Top4


Midifiles (auch Styles) im Stil von Luiz Bonfa

Durch den Interpreten bekannt gewordenen Songs. Erhältlich für viele Instrumente. Wie Tyros 5, Tyros 4 bis 1 und viele weitere Hersteller und Formate

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