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Midi files and styles in style of Bon Jovi

Title in style of Midi Demo
Bed Of Roses in style of Bon Jovi
It´s My Life in style of Bon Jovi
Have A Nice Day in style of Bon Jovi
Runaway in style of Bon Jovi
Living On A Prayer in style of Bon Jovi
You Give Love A Bad Name in style of Bon Jovi
Born To Be My Baby in style of Bon Jovi
In These Arms in style of Bon Jovi
We Weren´t Born To Follow (Lager) in style of Bon Jovi  
Keep The Faith in style of Bon Jovi
You Want To Make A Memory in style of Bon Jovi


Midifiles (auch Styles) im Stil von Bon Jovi

Durch den Interpreten bekannt gewordenen Songs. Erhältlich für viele Instrumente. Wie Tyros 5, Tyros 4 bis 1 und viele weitere Hersteller und Formate

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